Recipe for a homemade no knead rustic baguette with a twist

For this easy and no knead rustic baguette with bacon and onions you don’t even need a recipe. And because we work with a long fermentation of the dough there is no need to knead. It’s not just to develop a great taste, it makes your homemade baguette much more digestable than any quick breads with a high amount of yeast.

We add bacon, onions and parsley for a very tasty version of a rustic and hearty twisted baguette. Pair it with a salad and serve it to your next BBQ party or charcuterie board.

How to make a no knead rustic baguette

For 2 loaves you need half a bag of our Wurzelbrot bread mix. Follow the instructions on the back of the bag until you have completed step-1. Then prep the add-ons.
The following amount is enough for 4 loaves or you spread some more bacon-onion-mix on the flattened dough before you start twisting (when using only half of the mix for 2 loaves).

1/4 Cup
1/2 Cup
0.5 TSP
0.5 TSP
0.25 TSP
1/4 Cup

Onion, chopped
Bacon (uncured, thick sliced), cut in stripes
Oregano, dried
Pepper, black
Parsley, chopped

Sauté all ingredients until the parsley in 1 TSP olive oil for 3-4 min until the onions turn translucent. Set aside, add the parsley and let cool.

Go ahead with step-2 and follow the instructions on the bag. During the fold #2 add half of the bacon-onion-mix for two loaves. Finish the recipe as stated.

After a long cold fermentation in the fridge the dough is ready. To get the desired twist into our two artisan Wurzel-Baguette follow the instructions on the bag and the pictures below.

A good portion of organic whole wheat flour gives the Wurzelbrot already a great deep flavor. But with the added bacon and onions it’s elevated to the next heartier level. Delicious!

baked rustic baguette with bacon, onions and parsley - made with BREADISTA's aritsan bread mix for Wurzelbrot

All our XL bread mixes are based on only 3 ingredients – Organic Flour, pure Sea Salt, Non-GMO yeast. They’re perfect ready-made bread mixes for making much more than just the original loaf it is named after. Don’t forget to show us your results! – #breadistaworld