Category: Good to know – bread, flour & more

Does enriched flour harm you?

What means ‘enriched’ flour, is it bad? – You’ve read it several times, more or less consciously. If you take a closer look at food labels of baked goods like bread, cakes, cookies, crackers and cereals, you’ll find this term very often. Unfortunately. Flour has naturally vitamins, fibers and minerals. But the more processed it […]

About German bread culture (2)

[part-II] Yes, you could say – Germans are obsessed with bread! Our bread culture is kind of a sanctuary. Whether it is for breakfast with ‘Brötchen’, especially on cozy Sunday mornings, on the go as sandwich or for dinner called ‘Brotzeit’ or ‘Abendbrot’. Brotzeit is a typical and traditional cold dinner, when family members come […]