Recipe Ideas you can easily make with our bread mixes

Our unique bread mixes are good for much more than just making CIABATTA or RHEINTALER loaves, WURZELBROT baguette and hearty ALMWECK or soft EINBACK rolls. In general, you can always make instead of one loaf smaller rolls or perfect sized party bites. We’ve put together some recipe ideas we love to make with our bread mixes. Check them out and when you’ve tried it, make sure to tag us with #breadistaworld and on Facebook & Instagram.

Click through our favorite recipe ideas so far. Try your hands on a classic pizza crust, typical German bread rolls, Foccacia or Fougasse, German Hefezopf, Pain au Chocolate, Cheesy Loaf…. all are made with one of our artisan bread mixes. (…more recipe ideas will follow…)

TiP – Looking for a specific bread mix? Click in the search bar, write e.g. ‘Einback recipe’

Stay tuned & don’t miss new great baking opportunities.

Follow us on Social Media or subscribe to our Newsletter and get notified when new recipe ideas go live! Already in the pipeline are…..

Sunflower bread rolls made with Breadista's baking mix
Coming Soon –
Sunflower Breakfast Rolls

Breadista B-Logo
created to succeed
Coming Soon –
Fluffy Pizza Rolls

All bread mixes are made only with organic flour, salt & a really small amount of yeast. A good loaf needs time to develop a great flavor. We work with up to 24 hrs resting time to get the best out of it. The recipe ideas for bread mixes have a minimal hands-on time and are doable for every level of bakers. For most recipe ideas on this page no machine is needed.